Prices vary depending on who you see. Even within same establishment. The more times you frequent one place usually the better the service. I even had a two-hour session once at a place because she "was having fun"; mind you, I had been there about ten times prior to that...
Got an offer of two girls at place I been going to above (aka Panda). What kind of tip at that point? One gal does the HJ and the other let's my hands roam where they want to, lips to her breasts. I did $40 each....
I guess the cupid and the wellness in Lakewood all closed down. Does anyone know where to go to get the same services that hasn't closed down yet.Thanks
Try the Sakura Massage in Lacy.. Had a good time with a couple of the girls.. Do not see LiLi though wants to much and is lazy The are not as up front as other places were. U just have to let it be known what u want while getting the massage.. Expect to pay at least a buck fifty for the F.S. LET ME NOW HOW IT GOES