Seattle lawyer, 5 MTs raped

In 'Arlington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by OldtimerB

Incorrect credentials.
05/09/2014 01:29 am

posts: 0

Just read about the prominent lawyer who raped 5 MTs maybe 2 years ago...
about 50, married, 3 kids...took a plea...

Anyone think he'll be getting a HJ in prison? Continuing with his rape fantasies?

When I read stories like this, it just reminds me to have control no matter what my little head is saying!

Sorry but I couldn't attach a link.
05/09/2014 11:16 am

posts: 0

Being a lawyer, I hope he is a pasty-skinned thin guy. That way, maybe he can be raped 5 times and be forced to give HJs while in the clink.
I hope he will be wearing "Bitch Pants" all of the other guys in there will know who to see whenever their "urges" get the better of them.
05/12/2014 12:59 am
05/20/2014 06:45 am

posts: 0

So this guy got sentenced to 25 years and could be paroled after 15 years..he'll be 64 years old...just another horny middle-aged man the same as any other one who goes to AMPs..what's to prevent him from doing it again or even escalating to murder this time? He's a criminal lawyer (?) and probably knows he'll get away with it...shit...
05/20/2014 11:30 am

posts: 0

hopefully all spas will have his picture and do their best to protect the ladies!! From what I have heard about his personality, he does feel powerful and above the law!!! Or uses it to his advantage! I am glad he got what he did but still not enough for what he did!!
05/21/2014 09:36 am

posts: 0

Good, bad or indifferent after 15 years behind bars he won't be the same guy he is now.
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