Sun Star Therapy Sterling

In 'Vienna Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Dawils

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12/22/2010 07:02 pm

posts: 0

Went by Sun Star in Sterling (Glenn Drive) good massage but don't think about asking for anything else. Guess their "legit".

Disregard the link to Sun Star Spa. Couldn't find this one on the list and I am a computer idiot.
12/23/2010 01:47 am

posts: 0

Yup, that's right; totally legit. THERAPEUTIC massage ONLY. What USED to be Aroma Therapy, has not been recreated nor reopened under a different name. New management really is NEW management. I've been there a few times, and no matter what ... therapeutic massage only. "We no do that here!! That's what you'll hear every time. There are a couple pretty Asian girls there, but it is NO touch and NO HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras. Loudoun County remains an AMP wasteland.
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