First thing... the prices in the ad are accurate, But I was rather disappointed in this MP. The lady I got was terrible at the massage. After 5 mins she asked to let her know when I was ready to turn over. Thinking this might be a good sign for options. I let her continue until I was tired of her so called massage. After the flip she rubbed my chest and my head for a couple mins and then she tapped jr and said "You want?" I said yes and was about to ask for other menu options when she said "OK you do and I get the shower ready" (I asked for the table shower at the start) She then took my hand and put it on jr. Before she walked away I asked if there was no HE.... she not here hunny. I then though maybe she might play on the table shower but again I was disappointed with a no frills rinse...
I would not recommend this MP unless you are looking to disappointed.