In 'Pittsburgh Female Escorts'

by JohnWayne777

Incorrect credentials.
09/23/2020 09:45 am

posts: 7

Hey Guys. Most of the female escorts on this site are scams. I know that Pauline, Katie, Sharon and Trisha are!! They are all the same girl if you look close. They will ask you to go to a site that wants to verify you are " safe". They ask for a credit card for it and NO charge is to be applied. As soon as you do bingo there are 2 charges applied to your card. Also any girl that doesn't know her own measurements is a scam. No one has a 16-21-15 body.. . So be careful guys as only a few of these adds are real !!

This message was edited by JohnWayne777 on Sep 23rd 2020 15:48 for reason: another girl added

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