The are advertising that they now offer a table shower.

In 'Lowell Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by alucard9899

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05/24/2009 07:05 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Lowell Therapeutic Massage
Lowell Therapeutic Massage picture

The are advertising that they now offer a table shower. Dont know if this will change anything.
06/14/2009 03:16 pm

posts: 0

I went there and got a half hour massage about a year ago and I didnt get the impression that they offered anything other than a massage
11/10/2009 11:29 am

posts: 0

haven't been there in about six months... all the girls changed. last 2/3 times I was there, got same girl and no HE, she wasn't even good at the massage. I use to leave happy all the time before but ever since they expanded... nothing.
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