Had a good rub down with HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras. Judy was a very nice 40ish Asian MILF. Nice soft boobs, long nipples. She ran over time to walk on my back. Very nice experience overall.
Providers Name: Judy Judy has a nicely toned body and a pleasant personality. My guess is that she's in her 40s, but that didn't detract from the experience.
After paying the house fee of $70 for the hour, we began with shower.
Back in the room, the massage was just okay, mainly focused on the upper body.
Afterward, she asked me what I wanted, and I said 'everything'. She then left the room to get some supplies and quickly returned.
On the flip, she began some light HJ, then CBJ, then switched to 69 and it was lovely to experience and enjoy the scenery from the back.
Then some CG and finished in doggie.
I was offered water, and then I was on my way.
I'm planning to go back next week if my schedule allows.
Providers Name: Lucky Asked for a half hour massage. Massage itself was almost non-existent. Right to business, OK. She obviously did not like her breasts touched at all. I used a gentle touch but still she actively pushed my hands away. CFS and CBJ were definitely on the menu but extremely rushed even though the place did not appear to be busy. I might go back to try with someone else but I'll pass on Lucky.
Worst experience I’ve ever had!
I walked in and at first was refused, I don’t look that young, and had to present my iD. I was refused again. A minute later an older woman invited me in. I thought this was a crumby start but was hoping the massage was going to be better. I was told 50 for half an hour (that’s all they were offering) which was fine but when my girl (never told me her name) came in she told me to sit down and undress after filling out paperwork. The massage lasted no more than five minutes before she asked what I wanted. After seeing my wallet, she asked 200 for fs, way too much! I talked her down to 180, but her hand was out the whole time waiting for me to play. When I pulled out a cap, she refused, then pulled out a box with a rubber glove and used that instead! After 10 minutes we were interrupted by the woman who invited me in to remind us of the time. After I was done we had some more time, and she gave me a very rough massage that kind of hurt. After all was done they rushed me out.
Over all, you can get a better experience for half the price at another place.
Total spent: 230
Total time: 20 minutes
I would give it zero stars
Providers Name: Toni No privacy here!!! while i was pounding away Mamasan walked in to tell masseuse to hurry up while i still had like 20 mins left. They are just concerned about their money and the girl that gave the massage said i should give her 200 for fs... i told her HELL NO gave her a C note.. you can go here if you want to but expect them to be very shady.
Providers Name: Mimi The first time I went in January I saw Lucky, and ymmv cuz they are very cautions but I was talking about my familiarity with the scene and she got comfortable. I couldve had fs but didnt have a cap. Lucky is very skinny, has no tits and im not into that, just did the basic. I saw Mimi in February, very sexy (tight body, I'm guessing 30s) huge heavy tits and very friendly, ass eh but cant hope to check off all the boxes. started with cbj ended with fs, definitely coming back
Went today and had a really good time.. 30 minute message.. 10 minutes in she asked if I wanted more.. we talked money she got naked and we did what we had to do! Please go check them out y’all!
I know this place is real. Get the half hour, same result. She walked on your back, rolled me over and hovered her hand over my dick. I grabbed her hand and pushed it down and we talked money. Bbj and fucked. She wanted 100... I told her I had 60 lol