Incorrect credentials.
12/31/2015 08:29 pm

posts: 0

Was wondering if anyone had a good experience at any AMPs in Maryland with requesting a prostate massage or a good story. Growing more and more interested and would just like to know how some of you may have gone out requesting.

01/01/2016 03:22 am

posts: 0

I don't know about how it goes in Maryland, but in my part of Illinois, at two of the AMPs I occasionally visit, they will ask if you want them to use their finger.
One of the ladies will ask "Finger in here?...or tongue?" I will opt for her tongue.
I don't even care for the once-a-year digital exam by my doctor...and my doctor is a nice-looking woman about fifteen years younger than me.
10/23/2023 01:04 am

posts: 5

In Illinois, at two of the AMPs I sometimes visit, they will ask if you want them to use their finger. I'm not sure how it works in Maryland free games
10/24/2023 12:04 am

posts: 1

I'm not sure how things work in Maryland, but at the two AMPs I periodically visit here in Illinois, they always ask if it's okay to use their finger.amanda the adventurer
08/11/2024 10:47 pm

posts: 1

Many are curious about experiences at AMPs in Maryland regarding prostate massages. If anyone has had a positive encounter or a good story to share, it would be helpful. This growing interest reflects a broader curiosity in personalized services like those found at Monkey Mart. Sharing insights can guide others looking for similar experiences.

This message was edited by Geraldortiz 7 times on Aug 11th 2024 22:51 for reason: fail

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