Info on the old Singapore Salon

In 'Chicago Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by salespro59

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06/09/2009 09:51 am

posts: 0

Does anyone know where the girls from Singapore Salon wound up, if they wound up anywhere? Would like to find my ATF if possible.

Also, has anyone been to Sunset Spa in Bensenville? I've heard conflicting things about it: that it was well worth it and that it's a jack shack. Anyone know for certain?
06/09/2009 02:05 pm

posts: 0

Where in Bensenville is this Sunset Spa? I don't see it listed in the Illinois listings, but I may have missed it. Also, I too would like to find one of the girls from Singapor Salon. I missed the bust by a couple of hours.

Does anyone know what happened to the girls from 83 Bodyworks? It was in a small office park at the corner of Il 62 and Rt 83. That was a good place to go. I even got a haircut there once.
04/02/2010 01:35 pm

posts: 0

I just tried Sunset Spa. It's on Main Street in Bensenville - see my review.
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