AMPS in Suwannee Buford Area Suggestions

In 'Bogart Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by heyyouawake

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09/16/2013 01:43 pm

posts: 0

I have recently moved into this area and am in search of a MP close by. I have been to a few but had no luck reviews from other sites have been apparently fake. or changed ownership totally legit places, which is nice but am seeking the little extra provider.

Please Help
09/16/2013 01:43 pm
10/02/2013 03:31 am

posts: 0

My ATFs are Sakura in Doraville (Northside intersect. of I-85 and I-285) and Terra Chi and Kelly's in Gainesville. You are about midway between these two towns. I highly recommend all three AMPs.
10/03/2013 07:26 pm

posts: 0

Thanks Gooddoctor I will have to locate Terra Chi
Thanks again for info
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