No Activity in Sacramento. Death of EroticMP?

In 'Sacramento Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by SacMP

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04/15/2015 06:24 pm

posts: 0

I can't seem to determine if the sac community is done posting on this site or we the site won't post our material?

I've made two posts lately and neither of them showed up in the feed. Is the site trying to mask sac posts?
04/17/2015 01:16 am

posts: 0

I think we're done here.

Do you mean you posted a review?
Maybe they're forcing us to get a VIP. I dunno.
04/18/2015 01:12 am

posts: 0

Maybe when you consider the last review was mid September 2014 maybe we are done here or maybe no one wants to share anymore.
04/19/2015 11:52 pm

posts: 0

I use to check here daily. Now I just use RM, and check in here on occasion.
04/20/2015 01:20 pm

posts: 0

Somebody seems to be working on this sight. I added a review for Modesto in May 2014, that said approved on my review history but was never added to the main feed, another one I added for manteca a few months ago was again on my list, but was never approved. Now both spas have been removed from history. Plus,there have been several spa name changes in this area lately, and now the spas in my reviews are showing the new names.
Right now there are 4 other members on this sight at the same time,usually there is only just me.
It would be nice if EMP would let us know what they are doing.
04/29/2015 04:19 pm

posts: 0

I've transitioned now to RM. Thank you EroticMP, it was great over the years but we must switch sites
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