Incorrect credentials.
03/17/2013 11:24 pm

posts: 0

I am very disappointed. I gave information to someone here by inbox about 2 sisters I had seen. That person went and told his favorite provider, who is manager where the 2 girls worked. It caused problems and the 2 sisters had to leave that amp. I wrote a review here on one of the sisters, for some reason it has now been removed from this site. It was a fair and legitimate review. I think that is bullshit. The AMP in question is May Massage on Arden way, managed by CoCo. she is very attractive and a lot of fun. Worth seeing. All the women I saw there provided a very good experience, full contact breast and good R&T.
I think what is said in private IB stays there.
03/18/2013 03:33 am

posts: 0

the girls did not get fired, but they left following an argument with CoCo. They were also worried that CoCo's menu, grew for certain select customers, well past what the other girls offered. The girls are working at another AMP now.
03/18/2013 10:03 am

posts: 0

What dumbass goes and blabs info exchanged on here or anywhere....some of these girls get spooked if you happen to say a friend recommended you. Take the info and hope you have the same experience but for heaven's sake, do not be a woman and spill all the beans to the providers or mamasan!
03/19/2013 12:01 am

posts: 0

It should go without saying to be discreet with any information you get. I guess some people do not care what the consequences of their actions are!!
03/19/2013 12:47 am

posts: 0

some people let them selves get pussy whipped
Klem 1
03/25/2013 01:49 pm

posts: 0

This is a stupid post, and you are an idiot for posting it....

In the first place - you posted a review for May Spa under the old name of Heavenly Massage.

When Heavenly was reported as being closed - the listing went away - as did your review. So instead of going all "conspiracy theory" about it - and shouting how you been done wrong - maybe you should learn how the site works - and hey - maybe even learn to recognize the name of a place and if it doesnt exist - then create a listing for it.

Secondly - your obviously talking to the two sisters you mention - and you forgot the Number 1 rule about anything to do with AMPs, and the providers in them:

They lie.

They lie TO you. They lie ABOUT you. They lie about each other. They lie about themselves. They lie about everything. They lie so much they cant even differentiate between lies and the truths anymore.

Lastly.... you have no right to go around bad-mouthing Coco - when you dont know the whole story - and the half of the story you're getting is all lies, anyway.

But just for the sake of argument - let me ask you a hypothetical question in a hypothetical situation:

You are the owner of a company. You discover that some of your employees are talking to your customers. In fact, they are not only talking to them - they are telling them that soon they wont work there anymore - and that you should bring your business to the new company that they will be working for soon. What would YOU do?

Thats what I thought...

Before you go around this site, or any other for that matter - bad-mouthing the participants or the providers...make sure you got your facts straight... or else just shut the fuck up.

The fact you are a regular contributor - with a lot of reviews - entitles you to your opinion - and thats all.

03/25/2013 03:18 pm

posts: 0

I think we all know who the idiot is.
03/25/2013 04:10 pm

posts: 0

all these girls do is run their mouth, even lie about you for different reasons. like waas said, keep your mouth shut to people you do not know personally and NEVER trust the mamasan. She teaches them all the bad habits they have,They are threaten all the time and must do what they are told,The girls rights are violate every single day.
03/25/2013 05:55 pm

posts: 0

Uh oh, this thread is not leading to a he.
03/26/2013 09:55 am

posts: 0

Shit no kidding Stroker. And here I thought the Sac guys had no problems . I guess this is the end..just don't move to Minnesota unless you want to retire from AMPing...
03/26/2013 02:42 pm

posts: 0

The Sac guys should move to the OC/LA area where we have as many Parlors as gas stations and we tons of gas stations.
03/26/2013 03:40 pm

posts: 0

Number one I did not feel Kal was criticizing anyone but the person he confided in. If you are going to spread stuff around that you get in PMs and such, don't expect much aid in the future. He should have told who the A--hole was so no one else would trust them. Grabs, you are out of line for the first time I can remember. Guess Sac us another Vegas.
Klem 1
03/26/2013 04:23 pm

posts: 0

I respect you Subicman.... but I disagree.

He took what a provider told him - and put it out there as gospel. Thats just wrong.
I do agree with you that he should have gone to whomever he is talking about - instead of being vague.

If I was at fault for anything - it was calling him names. That was childish and I apologize for that.

But there is no conspiracy on this site about removing his review. And the information he posted - was wrong. And his "information" makes the manager look bad - for no good reason. And thats wrong, too. The reasons he gave for the girls "firing" - if you want to call it that - also wrong.

What IS true - is that he and I are obviously close to opposite sides of the situation - and the reality is that either, or both of us could have been duped. But I would not think of throwing out what I know - without knowing it was true. Not in a public forum.

Also true - and sad - is the fact that up until now - this city HAS been banded as one , more or less - for the common good of the hobbyists as a whole. There have been small disagreements and lack of communication before - but not on this scale that i can remember in the short, few years I have been on here.

Also true..... Just having Kal toss out what he thinks he knows - and who he thinks did him wrong.... doesnt make it truth either. That goes for anyone on here. And its not worth tarnishing someones good name - purely on his suspicions. The first response of most posters here is to pre-judge - and jump on the condemning bandwagon without thought to whether or not its true. Kal's status here as a man with many reviews - and much research - is all well and good. He deserves the reputation he has earned. But I felt , in this case - he was wrong, and since no one else was sticking up for the manager - I did, because as I said - I am close to the situation at that particular place and believe I have the facts as they are.

This whole topic - should have been handled man to man - on an internal level. Not posted here for people to take sides - depending on who they know better.
03/26/2013 07:14 pm

posts: 0

Grabster, are you insinuating that providers don't tell the truth sometimes?
03/27/2013 10:23 am

posts: 0

Like teenagers..every time they open their mouth
03/28/2013 03:14 pm

posts: 0

Grabs, fair enough. Hope you and Kal work it out. I enjoy the back and forth between you guys and would hate to see it dissipate. Even with the disagreement I feel the you Sac area guys tend to be more helpful to each other than most other places.
03/29/2013 01:52 am

posts: 0

I will no longer post reviews or share info on this site.
03/29/2013 02:26 am

posts: 0

KalAMP wrote:
I will no longer post reviews or share info on this site.

NO! Say it ain't so, Joe!...I mean Dr. Phil.
04/01/2013 05:00 pm

posts: 0

This is disappointing that one person spoiled the soup.
04/05/2013 11:43 am

posts: 0

What a shame.
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