Incorrect credentials.
Klem 1
09/01/2012 09:57 pm

posts: 0

No... Time can't fly... he can do a lot of things but I dont think he can fly.

Just happened to realize that this month marks 2 years for me on this site. Seems like a lot longer, actually... 2 years ago I walked into my first AMP - shaking like a schoolboy because I had no idea how they worked or how I would work.

I had happened along a place that was offering 90 minute sessions for 50 bucks.... I was such a greenhorn - what an experience. I got a young girl - and after the flip she points at Jr. and says something. Well I didnt understand what she said so I just smiled - and while I noticed she didnt quite seem too happy anymore - she continued on - right through a table shower (This was at Lucky Massage - where they dont have a regular table shower - they got a big industrialized stainless steel TUB - complete with the kind of hose they use in the prisons to de-louse ya - like a fire hose! hahaha! Forgot about that part! ). Anyway - back to the room we went - and she was still not happy. Neither was I.

Well I wasnt gonna not leave happy either - so I said to her at the end "I would like to try the other lady..." So she comes in - for ANOTHER 90 minutes, mind you, and damned if she doesnt let me fondle her boobs - but I dont get a HE for her either! WTF, over??!!

I was SURE that because she let me fondle her boobs I could get more - oh yeah, and a funny moment during even that part: I was trying to be all sly and shit - feeling her up - and trying to get under the bra - at one point she just gives this heavy sigh, as if to say "you fucking idiot", and she whips up her shirt and un-does her own bra for me - then returns to the massage! Hahaha!

So after still not getting the HE I desired - I came back a few days later and booked TWO back to back 90 minutes sessions!! That required a whole buncha chinese talk amongst the ladies - obviously they had never seen this request before - Hahaha. Poor old gal - by the end of the three hours she was sitting in the chair just idly running a hand up and down my arm because she had run out of material to do on me... and I STILL didnt get the HE.

OH man.... how far I have come! HA HA HA.. and how much Ive spent!!

But its been a good 2 years. Ive made a lot of new friends - I've pissed some people off - Ive gotten into relationships with providers I shouldnt have, more than once, mind you - Ive found my ATF (several times - haha) Ive had FS, and BJs and BBBJs, and 2 girls, and frustrations, and crazy girls who squirt, and happy providers, and grouchy providers. Ive met mean mamasans and crazy mamasans... had good massages and bad massages. Ive left happy and Ive left unhappy - and yes, Ive been in love more than once Haha!

But several hundred forum posts and close to 75 reviews later, on this and other sites - and I just have to say I've had fun!

Just wanted to give a shout out to all the dudes Ive met on here - and say thanks for all the help you've given me along the way. Even if we didnt see eye to eye, everything Ive come across has either helped me, or educated me... either shown me what TO do, or shown me what NOT to do. Sometimes I listened, and sometimes I didnt.... but its been a good ride!

Heres to two more years of this crazy hobby!!

It is only a hobby, right??!! HA!

09/02/2012 02:02 am

posts: 0

if you insist grabster,The "It's only a hobby" statement. It has been about 1 1/2 years for me, first starting out looking for legit massages. Thousands of dollars later. I also say WTF... over
09/03/2012 12:11 am

posts: 0

when i started hobbying, everything was BB. Thats how I got in the habit of showing up when they opened in the morning. That way the DATY was fresh. Most AMPs were FS. It has only been in recent years that all these rub & tugs popped up. It has been a whole new ballgame. 30+yrs, 3 divorces, a few kids and a lot of money. I have no idea how many women that adds up to. I am not done yet.
09/03/2012 04:01 pm

posts: 0

i worked in the bay area and would commute...i saw a CL ad in vacaville for a massage...first was an apartment...she was older..but had a rockin' bod..(by older..i mean i couldn't tell how old she was..but she was no spring chicken..but had a body to beat many youngsters).

i had no idea what to do...she brought me to the room, shew as in her "neglige" sexy.
she left...for me to get undressed, i now understand...but when she came back..i was still sitting a dummy, fully clothed.
she just laughed....she massages me and it's pretty first time...flips me over...same..i don't know what to expect..but her long thin fingers slowly glided over my junk and it was time...i couldn't believe it...all this for "only" 120$$?

i was hooked...would see her often..then got brave..found some places in the south bay,..jackpot....

i refuse to add up the $$ i've gone thru...but i feel it's worth it.
i'm not too "OLD"..but not as young as i used to be...there's probably only a .002% chance i'd get a girl like these in the real world

no worries.
glad to be here (finally)

09/05/2012 11:16 am

posts: 0

"No... Time can't fly... he can do a lot of things but I dont think he can fly."

Too funny! Thanks for the chuckle, Sir!

Been off of the site for a week or so and buried in inbox notes and forum posts that seem to mention me and require a response both here and on RB, so my sincere apologies for being AWOL!


There are soooo doggone many lessons we learn in this fun & games arena and that we continue to learn that the list is nearly endless, ya know? For me, the 1st 15+ years were all trial & error before the internet, before the review websites, etc. and were all TOFTT cold walk-ins, though unlike KalPapaSahn, I didn't - and still rarely do - opt for the FS AMP scene back in the day when it was all, "Condom!? We don't need, Baby!!! I sooo krean! You see!" Yeah, sure...

Don't ever too hard or at yourself too much or even for feeling like a fool - these ladies have a very simple and wide open route into our large heads by doing fabulous things to make our small heads go and it can screw with a guy something fierce. Can I get an AMEN, someBODY!? Been there - done that!

The early years for me had me making more mistakes than you've referred to and I still take a somewhat different route than most advocate vis a vis conventional wisdom to leave the towel off, start feeling up the lady, etc. Hell, in the early years I had ladies grab the general and I just laughed because I was nervous and hadn't ever paid for a handjobor gotten one by a lady since college in the early phase of a dating relationship. So, again, the mistakes we all make that we somehow convince ourselves are unique to us. are ones that we make in private and the benefit of connecting with solid bro's here is to share and laugh at ourselves and realize what clowns we all are. Yet, somehow we still manage to have fun even when we simultanously laugh and go at ourselves, mais non, Monsieurs!?

If I were to start a list of lessons I've picked up over "TIME" it'd be a list that would be more of a bandwidth waster than this post!

@Grabby - If you were gonna make a list of Rules or Lessons Learned, eg. what NOT to do, it'd be shorter than the list of Time's StupidAss Screwups, believe me, BruddahMan!

The number of guys who share about having misgivings and regrets in this silly ol' fun & games AMP/RMP arena typically are not the guys who are just annoyed/peeved that they blew some dwindling hobby bucks resources at some storefront and left suffering from Blue Balls Syndrome, in my experience. Rather, they're the guys who gave themselves grief for opening up their hearts to the ladies and letting some chick stomp all over his aorta and make him feel regret for having been fooled into believing that somehow he was special.

Many ladies do enjoy doing TIME while opening up their emotions and letting themselves get close, yet they often do so with lots more than just 1 guy - I mean, HELLOOOO!?!?!?? they spend all day in a small, dark room with naked horny guys sporting raging hard-ons who've brought along a few extra 20's and we somehow are sufficiently naive or blinded by the blood all leaving the big head and going to the small head that we let ourselves become vulnerable.

Can I get an AMEN, someBODY!? In my view, we have to all make these mistakes on our own. And, if you've never experienced the piercing pain of some other anonymous handle on a review site telling about how he just licked, fingered, rode the lady who you feel close to, believe me, it's the kind of experience to avoid. If you HAVE felt that special dose of pain, don't feel like the Lone Ranger there, Buddy! Many of us have and yet we still learn and grow from our mistakes.

If I were gonna make a list, probably toward the top would be, don't fall in love or think that she's only doing this special OMG-OMG-OMG activity with just you. She's not. That's even if she's doing it on a Friends-with-Benefits basis and you don't pay her. For real.

Sorry for the verbosity - too much caffeine this morning, obviously!

Again, thanks for the post, Grabby - it's been a pleasure to connect and be your wingman, Bro.
Klem 1
09/05/2012 12:04 pm

posts: 0

A M E N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Haha!
09/05/2012 12:10 pm

posts: 0

Grabster2724 wrote:
A M E N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Haha!

Thank you, Sir!
09/05/2012 12:43 pm

posts: 0

amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just been there done that. Still Kicking myself! Ah the emotions. Hope I learned. But ya have to admit, some of these Amp gals are better then others in playing you, and playing the game. Like the Elvis Presley song and i be dating myself right now.. but it goes something like" Honey... You lied when u said u loved me, and i have no cause to doubt. Act 1 was when we met. You read your lines so cleverly and never missed a que. Act 2 using the change you acted strange and why i never knew..." Well I found out. Like you said time we get sucked into "This is different, I'm different. She's opened up to just me!" She must care about me. I'll just do this and that for her. Oh yea another her, a GF of the moment. She wouldn't use me, not after all I've done for her." and on and on. I mean hey aren't they into it for the $. American $. So hopefully the Dutchmen has woken up. We'll see
09/05/2012 01:30 pm

posts: 0

Hey, Dutch - remember not to your head against the brick wall too much or at yourself too much or get all at yourself either.

These ladies often are living in the moment and make some impulsive choices to do things with certain guys that they don't do with others. Sometimes those aren't impulsive choices, but rather are cold, calculated plans to sucker in a guy, yeah - that too does happen.

But, in my experience often the ladies are sincere in feeling some strong connection with a particular gentleman and they're not intentionally being misleading about their having feelings - they often really do respond quite positively to nice guys who treat them well.

It's just that they feel guiltier than we can imagine about getting caught using a guy or betraying a guy by getting close to other guys as well as him, so they lie their adorable little keesters off and say that they are exclusive to us.

Yeah, well, we hopefully learn without learning the hard way, though as is clear from the litany of sob stories - including my own I've referenced above - we all need to make our own mistakes.

Ideally we learn from the pain that results, but even if we start down that infatuation/in-lust/in-love foolish path again, at least we go in with some experience of knowing that we are setting ourselves up for another fall. Been-there-done-that. AMEN!
Klem 1
09/05/2012 02:16 pm

posts: 0

I've already started down the path again.... but its early!! We'll see if Ive learned anything...

Thanks for the input, Time.

09/06/2012 03:15 am

posts: 0

been there done that.
09/06/2012 09:21 pm

posts: 0

the ups and downs of life!!!
09/07/2012 08:00 am

posts: 0

boss777 wrote:

the ups and downs of life!!!

THAT, my dear BossBro, is the early contender for Best Graphic Description E V E R of the Life & Times of an AMP Fan!

Twice in the past few weeks AMP ladies I see away from their shops have thanked me soooo much for the flowers I sent them! Uh... um... yeah, right. Only to find out later, much to their embarrassment, that they thanked me when it was some other slobbering idiot who sent them flowers.

Although, I may have passed the point of no return and jumped off the cliff [or jumped the shark, as it were] yesterday when I actually DID send flowers to an AMP. Sigh...

There's another AMP in town where periodically I stop in not only to see the ladies, but also to admire how a beautiful gift of a houseplant I bought is thriving.

When the ladies can't keep track of which idiot is sending them flowers, well, hell, fellas - ain't that pretty clearly an indication that there's more than 1 of us sorry sapsuckers who's gotten suckered into their clutches!? Uh, YA! So, my sincere apologies in advance to whoever might have gotten thanked last night for sending flowers yesterday when it was in point of fact this particular idiot who actually sent them.
09/07/2012 03:03 pm

posts: 0

Let the beatings continue. Beating ourselves that is. Wow we amp goers need our daily fill of wakeup calls. I think even the FWB outside the rooms, have somewhere in their minds a way to use these tactics to their advantage in a $ way. Case in point. HAd a "outside the rooms' thing going on. Next thing I know I am taking her to LA, for whatever the heck she needed to do down there. Also ended up being the "fixit" person for her plumbing, washer, and security camers shit. Now mind you i am the most electronically challenged person there is. Heck I don't even know how to insert these icons you guys all use, But I got a friend of a friend who does it for a living to go in at a cut rate to fix it. Who knows what else he got. But you guys get my drift. I can fix plumbing, electrical and structural stuff. And far be it that I would charge my newfound GF. So they make $ off us no matter how ya slice it. Anybody chime in anytime here. And if i am not grametically correct or my spelling is not right on a few words so be it. My fingers have arthritis and I am not going back and doing extra key strokes, in case the fellow amp person who stated it a while back that he gets frustrated with that part of these goings on. GET OVER IT! HA
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