I found it quite humorous yesterday - as I was visiting one of my favorite
FS providers...
Well, 2 things actually.
First off she was downright proud with her new bikini wax... and even turned on the lights (from their low, and sultry, dimmed position), to give me a good look, and to let me run my hands all over her "new" kitty. She was so proud of it I had to laugh... like she was showing off her new dress or something.
The other funny thing - was as she was telling me with a bit of incredulity - that this was from a Korean lady, and cost her $32 !! I found it funny that she was shocked at the $32 price tag - this as I was preparing to drop $50 for the session, and another $120 in tips!
All that aside - its fun sometimes to get closer to these girls - and start learning about their culture a little. I found out that in Viet Nam - its good luck to leave your pubic hair intact, and the thicker the better. The natives believe its a sign of prosperity and good fortune.
Well THIS American dude will tell you - when your with me you'll be more prosperous if that puppy is shaved, baby! Hahaha!
This provider was proud of the fact that she was an American now - and so she gets to get a wax ( for 32 bucks! haha! ) .
I thought it was hilarious when she said "Let me turn on the lights so you can see it better." Haha!
Good times!