Incorrect credentials.
Klem 1
09/14/2011 11:22 am

posts: 0

I have reviewed my actions - and I wish to make a formal, public apology to ManofSteele - who I fondly refer to as "Clark" sometimes.

I should not have cast disparaging remarks about his reviews - no matter what my view of them may have been.

Peoples mileage varies - and I should not have questioned such a long time member. At least not the way that I did. I may disagree with reviews - and may voice dis-pleasures in the future like I always have, but I think I may have been unfair to this particular member.

I apologize, Clark!
09/14/2011 09:20 pm

posts: 0

Apology accepted. And thanks!!
09/15/2011 12:29 am

posts: 0

Hey !! Grabster,

WTF? are you running for office, and looking to looking for a re-election?

(That sounded just like one of those I just got caught saying something someone else was not happy with so for the sake of retaining my public image I must make a written formal apology.)

Hey just kidding Grabster!!! Way to stand up and admit you may have hastily past judgement.

U da man!!!!!!!
09/15/2011 03:00 pm

posts: 0

yeaa kudo's usely ppl wont do that..thumbs up..which is in could timeing of manof steels reboot in the DC universe
09/15/2011 04:13 pm

posts: 0

ah excellent, now group hug
Klem 1
09/16/2011 11:28 am

posts: 0

HA!!! Me in politics??? I think not.... or maybe just long enough to kick all the current slobs OUT!

Nawwww.... I had an experience at a place he and I had disagreed on..... and it just seemed that I had been wrong to attack and address him the way I did... I will stilll call BS on people.... I will still have no political correctness in any way, shape, or form -

But - in his case I think I was wrong, thats all.

C'mere Kal - ya big lug.... I got yer group hug.... right here!

09/16/2011 02:31 pm

posts: 0

And I really do appreciate your candidness. It takes a special person to make such a public apology. Can I join the group hug??
09/16/2011 03:46 pm

posts: 0

I'm just gonna stand back and look a little quizzical as y'all hug
Klem 1
09/16/2011 04:46 pm

posts: 0

I demand a buffer zone!!

Two hot asian providers, with size C boobs, and shaved kitties must be placed between each dude for any hugging going on!

And they must be naked! And you all must NOT!

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