Incorrect credentials.
Klem 1
09/03/2011 01:40 pm

posts: 0

Thought I would share a little fun I had with one of the local ladies last night....

She is fairly new to the area - and her Engrish is quite horrible - even the simplest of conversations is extremely difficuly and usually will not be successful.

So yesterday I spent some time on iGoogle and its translation software - and printed out about 20 slips of paper with english phrases and questions - and the accompanying chinese characters.

I would say it was 75% successfull - she understood most , but not all. The simple ones worked great, like "Do you have a boyfriend?" , and for giggles followed that up with "Do you have a girlfriend?" Hahaha

Lots of giggles and laughs were had - it made the session more fun - and yet it also brought me to a new dimension of personality with her - which was exactly what I was hoping for.

In the end we talked about why she was here - why she was working in a MP, what her hopes were for an education, and even about citizenship - which really brought a gleam to her eye.

This is what I like about visits like this - I wuld like to see them for more than just a hand on my dick, or a sexual favor. I would like to know who they are - and let them know that I care about who they are. In the past this way of treating them has worked favorably for both of us - and I dont mean on just a sexual level. I enjoy letting them know I see them as something more than the average Joe walking in looking for what he can get. It brings another level of civility to the proceedings... and personally speaking,.. I like that.

Anyway - not to get all philosophical about it.... but it did bring about a new level of commu ication for us - and a lot of giggles and smiles out of her - just for the effort I made, and the funny questions I inserted in the serious ones.

By the way - the iGoogle translation for orgasm, and blowjob.... need to be updated - they went nowhere... Hahahahahaha!

Party on!

09/03/2011 03:31 pm

posts: 0

Now you know, how I get so much info out of these girls . i have learned some Mandarin, by necessity. When i was dating one, I had to learn to communicate. It make a relationship very difficult. I have a pocket translator about the size of a small cellphone. But even with that, most phases don't translate very well. But the girls warm up to you very fast when you speak some chinese. They love it. The problem with translators, they are mostly mandarin. If the girl is from the southern part of china they probably speak cantonese. But basic phases, hello: ni hao, thank you; shi shi , or wo ai ni ( i love you). they are the same in both dialects. My favorite is.....wo xiang ni di yindao ( I WANT YOUR PUSSY). Hey it is the language of love!
Klem 1
09/03/2011 08:56 pm

posts: 0

You need to make a cheat sheet of the phrases we would most likely use in these circumstances - I would love to have something like that!!
09/17/2011 04:41 am

posts: 0

where was this place at grab?
09/17/2011 10:27 am

posts: 0

I became enamored of Annie at the place on Main Street in Orangevale next to the meat market before she disappeared. She was a nurse in China but has been unable to find a job in that profession here because of her poor skills with our language. So I gave her a couple of Chinese to English tutorials from Barnes and Noble -- some CDs and a picture book. I really feel for the educated providers that are stuck in this profession because of the language barrier. I suggested to Annie that she go to school in the mornings, but her mamasan wouldn't let her off work.

Good news!! I just spoke with Annie and she is in Los Angeles. She will be taking her driver's license test next Monday and hopes to return to Sacramento next week!
09/17/2011 02:55 pm

posts: 0

Machine translation is terrible, for almost all Asian languages.

Funny thing is they do not know it is terrible so when you presented them with phrases, it is very probable she assumed the mistakes were yours and how you asked the questions.
09/19/2011 12:55 am

posts: 0

Rock, you are right. they are not very good for sentences. There is a good online one, i would use it to chat. it will translate whole paragraphs. a chinese girl sent me this long email once, and i used it to translate it. worked good.
09/21/2011 03:43 am

posts: 0

I use a program on my iphone which I believe is also available on Android too. It's called "My Langauge" and it works pretty good. One thing you have to remember when using any translator is that the Chinese langauge does NOT use past-tense so I found that I have to be careful how I write what I'm going to say before hitting the "translate" button. It's not a perfect program but with practice you can get pretty good. I use it to text back & forth with a former provider who moved back to Los Angeles, we're been keeping in touch for a while.
By the way.....I agree with Grabster, these ladies respond well when you get to know them as a person and not just a machine pulling at your dick. Most of them gave up a lot to come here and start a new life.
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