OK....So Tammy tends to talk to me after an always AMAZING finish....Not sure if this is her M.O. with us hobbyists, but I kinda like the downtime conversation during a mellow neck massage after an incredible "UP" TIME (which
BTW is rediculously good...TIME you gotta try!
TF'ing in multiple positions is included with the full access
HJ!). Her dad bailed on the family when Tammy was young. After several years with another woman, her dad had a baby with the lady. Shortly thereafter, the lady eventually left Tammy's dad and
he showed up on her mom's doorstep with a baby, and Tammy's mom let him back..... She let him in, and then bailed on him! So....men don't take care of kids EVER in Thailand, so dad didn't know what to do. Tammy's brother, or cousin, or some family member was married without kids, so they took the baby as their own. Funny that Tammy asked me "do you have time" the other day, and I was thinking......"I'm laying naked on a table, you are naked.....I have all the time in the world!" while she talks.