chinese massage parlors phenomenon

In 'Sacramento Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by crabgrass

Incorrect credentials.
02/17/2011 02:41 am

posts: 0

I have been an avid Amp hobbyist in Sac. for around 30 yrs. In the past we had plenty of good Amp's to choose from, but few had massage skills to rival current crop of chinese women here in Sac. They specialized in other talents. We now have a flood of girls trained at LA chinese massage schools. Their services seem to range from good massage (no touchy), good massage ( rub butt outside), good massage (rub butt and boobs outside only), good massage ( rub boobs under shirt), and if your lucky a good massage (full contact boobs). I have got to know several girls very well, and one last year as close to a relationship as you can come with a chinese massage parlor girl. And I am amazed at the life style. Most work 12 hr days, 7 days a week. They don't have sex, so are they prostitutes? I have talk to the girls and asked questions and still don't understand their mindset. Is their path planned for them before they leave China? Do they have set time frame they have to work, before they move on with life, or is this what they plan on doing for life? The closer they get to 40, the tougher it gets to make a dollar. I guess my mistake here is, I a man trying to understand how women think. And I am bore stiff tonight, so I am rambling.
02/17/2011 10:25 am

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Hahahaaaa! These thoughts absolutely do all swirl about in the ambient thought patterns, no need to make it sound like it's a mistake, Bro!

Having had about 2/3 the # of years you have in hitting primarily Chinese places around the state and to a great extent here in SacTown, I've also had these thoughts and have learned some from discussions with the ladies.

One who I got close enough to to have brought home and spend numerous overnights with me - all just purely as friends-with-benefits & no $ ever exchanged hands - asked me outright if I thought of her as "only a prostitute" when in fact she reportedly only ever does a HJ HE finish after a serious effort at a deep tissue massage.

She and others who are in it who provide some touchy feely yet who don't suck or FS really just are adjusted to their reality that they're in this situation and it makes some pretty damn good money at times and they may or may not have alternative pursuits for generating cash, but they're just basically stuck and they know it.

At least, that's my experience. It's like many of the new entrants on Myredbook - probably Backpage & Craigslist too - who think they'll try it or get into it through a friend and then they think they'll get out, but if they do, it's after overstaying the brief period they'd initially anticipated.

I've seen a few just plain retire/quit. Others, move away but I suspect that they might have just gone on to what they'd hoped for would be greener pastures and likely are still strokin' off dudes elsewhere.

The ladies who do a pretty good massage and also go sensual for our benefit and also seem to get into it and are playful and fun and with whom we develop a personal connection really keep me coming back. The vast majority who pretty much hate what they're stuck doing and who are lousy at the massage and often just jack to get it over with ASAP really do seem to dominate the market and are one of the chief motivations I have for posting and reading reviews and comments - they're to be identified and avoided! DUH!?

Thanks for the post and I do tend to have compassion even for the ones who really are substandard in what they do, yet I have to fight overtipping them out of pity because I certainly don't want their mediocre [or worse] efforts to be rewarded or a good tip to leave them the impression that they met expectations and they're adequate with no need to improve.
02/18/2011 01:28 am

posts: 0

I get close to some of these girls and feel sorry for the ones, who you can tell feel stuck. I also got to know others, who know where they are and where they are going. They seem to make the best of it and have fun. I need to remember what happens when you get to close. Time, I was not surprised when I saw it was you who responded to my post. I thought to you might have something to say on the subject.
02/28/2011 03:39 am

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Thanks for your input guys.
02/28/2011 04:42 pm

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Some ladies are very accepting of what they do in this biz, some aren't. Enough said.
Klem 1
02/28/2011 07:43 pm

posts: 0

Superman - stop going. Enough said.

I bet you dont, though. I bet your guilty conscience was soothed merely by typing those sentiments in this forum... in fact pretty soon your whole post will "mysteriously" disappear.

Pardon my cynacism - but I grow tired of your vague pontifications on the derelict behavior of the rest of us. You show up to cast aspersions on the behavior of others - never really coming out and saying who your talking about , or even what your alluding to - but somehow you must feel better for it - because you keep doing it.

But at least your first sentence was correct.
02/28/2011 08:23 pm

posts: 0

Grabster2724 wrote:
Superman - stop going. Enough said.

I bet you dont, though. I bet your guilty conscience was soothed merely by typing those sentiments in this forum... in fact pretty soon your whole post will "mysteriously" disappear.

Pardon my cynacism - but I grow tired of your vague pontifications on the derelict behavior of the rest of us. You show up to cast aspersions on the behavior of others - never really coming out and saying who your talking about , or even what your alluding to - but somehow you must feel better for it - because you keep doing it.

But at least your first sentence was correct.

Not to pile on, but I totally agree, Grabster, and thanks for saying so.

SO, Man of Steele, pardon me for asking, but what the heck is the deal with deleting your own posts? You clearly have a desire to share intel, which is always appreciated and pretty much is the entire basis for this being a site of significant value, but you seem to undermine that by not just putting up reviews and contributing posts and actually fully engaging in the give and take that goes on here.

Nobody's calling you out as far as your ability to connect with the ladies or to participate on the boards, it just seems counterproductive to defeat the whole basis for the system which is to share what you have to offer.

Yes, there are ladies who don't want to be in this biz and yet they can't seem to leave it - I think we'd all concur that we've witnessed some of that. If it bothers you that much, good choice to just quit and do something else. But, there are ladies who do not hate the biz and they know how damn lucky they are to have found something that requires little skill and yet they can earn a living doing it.

I hope if you've not actually had your account deleted and are at least reading the boards you can see the basis for concern about not posting reviews and also deleting your own member comments.

In this day and age we're all wise to be cautious about members who perhaps have their own independent agenda and who don't have an established review/posting record.

So, I trust you take these comments in the spirit in which they're intended - which is to encourage you to participate actively and fully here on EMP if you haven't actually unsubscribed and quit the game. Good luck to you either way.

On a personal note, I've enjoyed the 411 sharing we've had via inbox private messaging and I've seen that you have insights and experience that could benefit many. I hope you find peace with whatever your own personal choice is.
02/28/2011 09:10 pm

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Grabster & Time: I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint you two. Carry on.
02/28/2011 09:29 pm

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ManofSteele wrote:
Grabster & Time: I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint you two. Carry on.

03/01/2011 03:25 am

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WOW, did I miss out on the fun. I didn't see what man of steel wrote. he seems more like a drive by shooter.
03/01/2011 12:12 pm

posts: 0

ManofSteele wrote:
Thanks for your input guys.

"This message is edited by ManofSteele on Feb 28th 2011 18:19 for reason: No way to satisfy Grabster and Time, so what's the point in participating??"

Seriously, Dude? Gimme a break! Put up some reviews, continue contributing, NEVER AGAIN delete something you've posted unless you find out that you posted something that's inaccurate and just participate here like the rest of us do! EMP ROCKS! Help make it better by contributing.
03/01/2011 01:33 pm

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To those of you out there that are curious about the above comments of Grabster and Time.

I have chosen to delete my previous comments on this forum, and other comments on this website, as they have been characterized by Grabster as "vague pontifications on the derelict behavior of the rest of us" and as casting "aspersions on the behavior of others - never really coming out and saying who your (sic) talking about ........." It was never my intention to be vague or to cast aspersions on others and I apologize to any of you that interpreted my comments in that manner.

So, I have characterized my comments as "inaccurate" and deleted them per Time's suggestion.

I may participate in the future but will be super careful to not be vague and to not cast aspersions on any of you.
Klem 1
03/01/2011 02:31 pm

posts: 0

Try being real - not hiding behind vague characteristics, and vague reviews where you constantly say vague things - and stop deleting things when people comment about them. This is a forum, a discussion. And try not being so sanctimonious and pure. We all have stated in one way or another that we care about these girls, and do our best to make them feel good, both about what goes on as well as how they feel about themselves. Some of your reviews have said things like "I'm not going to say what I did, or what I gave her, or who she was - but keep trying boys, she'll start giving more if you give more." So of course you come off sounding like a provider who is after bigger tips. Then you've said you've done things with certain providers that, on more than one account, I know for certain that provider will not do - again in vague terms and suggestive ways that shed no light whatsoever on the activities involved - and some that cannot be confirmed by anyone but you. I refuse to believe that you have this mystical power over these ladies - whereby they suddenly fall under your spell and do things that no one else can verify. if thats the case - hey - more power to you. But, at least for me - you have credibility issues. And you do not help your cause by deleting the comments themselves - the moment someone challenges you on the. Man up! Put up or shut up! The rest of us are not heathens who treat these girls like crap. I've built websites for them - relatively free - I've taken them to lunch - I've carted them all over town because they dont drive so they can shop for phones, or laptops, or even bank accounts in one case. Ive brought their whole 'effing CREW lunch - with nothing in return. Your not some saint who is the only one on here that cares about these girls in a way other than sexually. Grow some balls - stand behind what you say - and represent things as they truly are - and maybe your credibility will become respectable. Again - all Im asking is to be real - and quit deleting your comments whenever your challenged. Report some things that can be verified - and stand up for yourself and the things your portraying. Stop acting like a hurt puppy when someone calls bullshit! back it up! prove it! geez.... enough said.
03/01/2011 02:38 pm

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Hey Grabster. After reading your comments, I can now see the problem. You have me confused with someone else. I'm not "Superman 7" (now "Fisherman 55"?), 'cause Superman was the Man of Steel, not Man of Steele.
Klem 1
03/01/2011 02:43 pm

posts: 0

I think your one and the same - you talk just like him - you sound just like him - and probably most importantly - you don't have any reviews... which returns us to the bottom line - you have zero credibility to be talking about any of this.
03/01/2011 02:49 pm

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Hey Grabster. Please go back and reread Fisherman55's (formerly Superman 7) reviews for Yelena at Southport Beauty Salon in West Sacramento. If my comments read like his to you, god help us (and you)!!

And if anyone can be accused of casting aspersions at others, it seems like you and Time could be accused of same -- by accusing me of being Fisherman 55, aka Superman7 -- also please review your comments on January 18, 19 & 20 on Bamboo site -- the 11/25/2010 review of Michelle by KalAMP. Your conclusions were laughable then as they are now. Not too vague for you, am I??
Klem 1
03/01/2011 03:33 pm

posts: 0

Well - actually yes - you remain vague - as all the comments by you on those dates you list.... have been deleted, dumbass.

This is my last post on the issue.... I've made my point - and am not going to get in a battle with you, dude.

I have nothing to prove to you. I'm legit - why dont you work on being the same...

And one more thing..... you can rail against me all you want. I'm fairly new here and probably have made mistakes - and will make more, I'm sure.

But Time is the man - respected and known on this site for being fair, honest, and extremely credible.

Time is the elder!!!..... "The one who speaks of floppy disks...."

"Yer all soft!"

03/01/2011 04:05 pm

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Dear Grabster and Time:

You both have questioned my credibility. You both weigh credibility with number of reviews. Superman 7, aka Fisherman55, has submitted 4 reviews. Is he, therefore, more credible than I am??

Is there a requirement that members of EMP submit reviews?? Have 99+% of members submitted reviews?? And I am a lone holdout?? Are there many other members that are generally silent or have submitted just comments like I have in the past??

My lifestyle has been to always carefully choose my words and speak/comment in a concise manner, whether orally or in writing. Verbosity has never been my style, nor will it ever be. Others have a different style. So be it. I'm legit -- with my style of comments -- in my opinion -- which is the only one that counts.

Rail on, gentlemen -- and see how that encourages others to participate.
03/01/2011 04:54 pm

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Hey Grabster. Who's hiding in the corner now like a hurt puppy now that he's been called out on his incredible conclusion that I and Superman7 (aka Fisherman55) were/are one and the same guy??
03/01/2011 10:16 pm

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"My lifestyle has been to always carefully choose my words and speak/comment in a concise manner, whether orally or in writing. Verbosity has never been my style, nor will it ever be. Others have a different style. So be it. I'm legit -- with my style of comments -- in my opinion -- which is the only one that counts."

then why do you delete "carefully chosen words". I don't have a problem with what you said, because you have deleted them before I read them. We rely on each other to exchange info, to better our hobby experience. If your not contributing, I am not sure what your doing here. Do you want us to spend our time and money, to find the diamond in the rough, to save you money? This is not about just a rub n tug, this is a hobby. The hunt for pretty talented women and the pleasure i get from trying them all. OK, I think I drank to much coffee today.

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