How do I ask for a HJ/BJ? How is $$ decided?

In 'Roseville Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by ivelnivel

Incorrect credentials.
04/29/2013 12:31 am

posts: 0

Hi yall

Completely new to this. Have received "regular" massages frequently, until I found out (duh) about the HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras.

I have looked up reviews and noted which parlors in my area have all the thumbs ups. So I know where to go.

But how will it play out? Will someone ask me if I want HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras? I don't want to act stupid. When is the "fee" for HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras decided?

Help guys.

04/29/2013 01:16 am

posts: 0

Remember that not all Massage Places are AMPs, nor are they all legit...You'll be able to tell eventually. Some places may not offer anything until they get a sense about what your actual intentions may actually take several visits before they warm up to you.
Do you look like a policeman/recent military...shaved head, forceful personality? If you look rather young you may not give off a good vibe, they may not want to take a chance if you look under 25, or so.
Don't go in with sagging pants, but you don't have to wear a suit, either. Don't brag about how many times you've been here, there, or wherever. Don't brag about how much money you have with you, either. Don't be obnoxious, don't be loud, don't talk down to the workers. Show some manners and respect. Be well-kept, not all sweaty and dirty. Don't have on excessive amounts of cologne, even legit massage therapists prefer that you have no fragrances on.
04/29/2013 10:18 am

posts: 0

Thanks relaxn. All your tips are very good to "prepare" me for the experience and not scare them off or disgust them. Like I said, I have frequented legit massage parlors and I am well aware of the basic etiquetes.

But that doesn't help me with the actual "transaction" regarding the HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras. Can you please help with that, specifically?

I.e., at what point do I ask for HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras? How do I ask? Or do I wait for them to suggest?
04/29/2013 12:20 pm

posts: 0

ivelnivel wrote:
Thanks relaxn. All your tips are very good to "prepare" me for the experience and not scare them off or disgust them. Like I said, I have frequented legit massage parlors and I am well aware of the basic etiquetes.

But that doesn't help me with the actual "transaction" regarding the HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras. Can you please help with that, specifically?

I.e., at what point do I ask for HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras? How do I ask? Or do I wait for them to suggest?

They didn't train you on this when you joined the Vice Squad?
04/29/2013 01:32 pm

posts: 0

No. I get a promotion if I figure it out myself. Come on dude, really?
04/29/2013 02:29 pm

posts: 0

For FS you must ask by 13 minutes 27 seconds..this is your first chance to mention HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow."> chance is at 31 mins 19 secs but you gotta have her say yes before 32 mins so speak quickly and don't waste words..last chance is 48 mins 51 secs if you're hoping for HJ or BJ..after that be sure and tip minimum of $60 for no HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras hoping to get some next'll be called "rich daddy" after that and the girls love u long time big boy..putting your hands under your thighs and not touching the girls at all is the universal sign that you're looking..good luck
04/29/2013 02:32 pm

posts: 0

Don't forget to bring a stopwatch as the clocks in AMPs are notoriously inaccurate..and your hands will be out of play under your thighs...
Klem 1
04/29/2013 02:48 pm

posts: 0

Soooo.... this is what will happen if I stop posting??

Maybe I should come back just to keep an eye on things.

Coming soon to your Sacramento boards:

"How To Properly Conceal a Stopwatch: A Hobbyists Guide ."

04/29/2013 03:46 pm

posts: 0

Grabster2724 wrote:

Coming soon to your Sacramento boards:

"How To Properly Conceal a Stopwatch: A Hobbyists Guide ."

04/29/2013 05:45 pm

posts: 0

We can depend on Stroker for many things and always a good laugh but..yeah, we need your words for guys like this..all I've got is my sarcasm..since i threw my stopwatch away years ago..was going to say i lost it but that would leave me open for the old stopwatch lost in the ass/pussy jokes..take your pick..welcome back!
04/29/2013 07:28 pm

posts: 0

OldtimerB wrote:
... and not touching the girls at all is the universal sign that you're looking..good luck

What do you mean...that I should not touch the girls to indicate that I am interested in HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras?
04/29/2013 08:22 pm

posts: 0

Uh I'm going to let the very esteemed Grabster and Stroker answer that question for you Levi
Klem 1
04/29/2013 09:49 pm

posts: 0

HA!! OK.. I'll give it a whirl...

OK Levi - Theres a few things you need to do before your taken seriously on here. First and foremost, you need to learn when people are yankin' your chain. And I dont mean in a good way, like the ladies do ( or might do, when you get yer 'chit together).

Research the reviews and gather your own data.

Secondly - a word to the wise - if you value your anonymity, your gonna have to come up with a better way of disguising yourself... that "spelling things backwards" might have worked in the third grade - but ( I hope) your older and wiser than that now.

But down to brass tacks....

Research the reviews and gather your own data.

Guys in this website have spent a lot of time and money to find the answers ( and the secrets, if you wanna call it that) to the questions you ask. Helping out a newcomer is part of the gig. Offering up snippets of information to help you out will happen - if you give it time.

But - to a large extent - you gotta do your own research. There is a wealth of information here... its your job to go out and find it. Pick 3-4 places you think you might like to try - and read up on the reviews. See what guys did that worked. See what guys did that didnt work. And if you still dont know what didnt work... head on over to Rubmaps - its there in glaring ignorance....

But I digress....

Research the reviews and gather your own data.

The bottom line: There are no rules. No two girls are alike. No 2 MPs are alike. There is no "system". Your concentrating too much on some kind of system. Its not hard to discover which places are a sure thing - even before you go in. And once you hit a few - You'll find that its not that hard to figure out the rest.

But you gotta pay your dues.... visit a few places.. write some reviews. Become involved. And talk to people. But dont expect to be handed the keys to the kingdom, until you start doing some of those things.

Research the reviews and gather your own data!! Am I getting my point across?

Heres your free tip of the day:

Aside what has already been said about cleanliness and good manners - which are crucial, by the way - do some research and pick a place and provider. Lay down - let her do her thing on the backside - and reach out and touch her leg while shes doing it. If you get no resistance - slide it up higher, and see what happens. Forget about the money... Plan on leaving $40 tip at the minimum - and if a HJ is all you get - leave no more unless she did something special.

There is enough information on this website - to get you where you need to go to receive what you are looking to receive - and at what cost you can expect to pay. You dont need to start a forum topic to figure out what you trying to figure out.

Research the reviews and gather your own data.

If I didnt say it enough: Research the reviews and gather your own data!!

Then go out and put it to work. Dont expect to be handed the keys to the city in the forum.

Oh.... and good luck.
04/29/2013 10:51 pm

posts: 0

I read somewhere about doing some research, worked for me.
04/30/2013 12:00 am

posts: 0

Okay, here's a little snippet, added to what "Grabster" gave you...When you "accidently" brush her leg, don't grab onto it and hold on for dear life...just let it "brush" against her, then pull it back and say "Oh, I'm sorry!" Sometimes they will tell you that it is permitted to touch, just don't paw them...They do like the shy guy. You could start thinking about HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras" if they give you a massage without a sheet or towel covering you.
When they get near your butt they may let their hands wander down your thighs and lightly brush your balls. If it happens more than once you might spread your legs a bit farther apart, allowing for a bit more oiling up of your boys. Never mention anything "extra" at this point.
When they have you flip over, if you are completely uncovered, don't be afraid to let them see that you are in an excited state, it is natural for most men to get an erection when the lady is able to check you out. If they are in any stage of undress you will know that there are options available.
If all of a sudden she says "Massage over" you should just say "Already? Can't I have more time?" she might lightly whisper something like "You tip me good?" just say you will, but let her suggest the service and the tip. She might just use "Universal Signals" of what she will offer to you, and never agree to the first amount, they will over-charge you. You just make a counter offer and it should be divisible by 10 or 20.
The easiest way to try to figure a tip is in multiples of 40-80-120, but maybe topping the "Main Event" at 100 the first time, 120 if you have a terminal ache in your scrotum. After you develope an ongoing relationship with a certain provider you should request them more often and tip them better, because they will treat you better in return. I had one ATF (All-Time Favorite provider)that would do things that the others at this AMP wouldn't, so I would request her all of the time. I had asked about Greek and she said that she might do it with a steady customer, or "boyfriend", and I would sometimes tip her more than 140, got extra services, and more time, usually in the neighborhood of 90 minutes...walking in, stripping, TS, massage, Rimming-HJ-BJ-FS-BJ-HJ-CIM (and she swallowed my semen more than half of the time!). She also would let me dine and use my fingers, she was also big on making-out with tongue.
Just let them lead you thru the process, but it doesn't hurt to just ask "More (or "extra") massage?" near the end of the session, if you aren't quite sure. Don't ask as soon as you are naked, wait until the flip, even later in the session is better...."Good things come to those who wait"...esp if they have a raging erection. And it might take more than one, or two, visits before any HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras are offered.
04/30/2013 12:06 am

posts: 0

Thanks Grabbie, you got way more patience than me too Boss
04/30/2013 10:23 am

posts: 0

Boldness always cuts through a lot of red tape. For example:

A. Always lay down on the table nude and never cover up with a towel....even if one is available.

B. yes, brush the legs.

C. Never be ashamed of sporting a woody

D. Finally, if she does cover your bishop, simply remove the towel and say "I am not shy." or you could say "checkmate"
04/30/2013 03:58 pm

posts: 0

Wow. Can't believe you actually got good advices on an open thread like this.
Anyway, from someone who recently just jumped into the hobby, everything you need to know have been written somewhere on this site already (or other sites if you need more info). Just read, and read more.
You also need to invest in more time and money like the rest. Then give something back to the community.
04/30/2013 04:43 pm

posts: 0

He can even read the beginner's guide or whatever its called..i ran across it a few months ago but can't remember where..someone else will probably chime in with the link or where it is..but even if not, tons of good advice already given..makes me wish i had had this to read when i started but you know, the internet..only been here a short time relatively speaking ha ha ha
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