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mr brandonski
12/11/2009 09:20 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to MC Health Center
MC Health Center picture

My freind was at one of the parlors across the street, couple of weeks ago. He saw several Whitter PD cop cars and a plain clothes officer walk in. Seems like LE is hot in this area.
12/11/2009 10:09 pm

posts: 0

brandonski wrote:
My freind was at one of the parlors across the street, couple of weeks ago. He saw several Whitter PD cop cars and a plain clothes officer walk in. Seems like LE is hot in this area.

Thank you!
12/13/2009 08:18 pm

posts: 0

Have heard something to the effect that there are currently 100+ detectives doing undercover walk in's on many massage parlors. Heard it from a mamisan from an establishment I frequent. I know that there were some West Hollywood robberies a few weeks back, which is typical for the Holiday Season. Curious if anyone else is hearing the same bunk about potential undercover busts, etc. Obviously Brandonski saw some activity. I know for sure that there are times when high LE activity can also be related to gang activity and not necessarily the parlor you are visiting. Hope some more chime in on the topic.
12/14/2009 10:07 am

posts: 0

100+ Wow, you would think they could focus on more important crime fighting! What a waste or resources...
mr brandonski
12/14/2009 11:09 am

posts: 0

pickster68 wrote:

Have heard something to the effect that there are currently 100+ detectives doing undercover walk in's on many massage parlors. Heard it from a mamisan from an establishment I frequent. I know that there were some West Hollywood robberies a few weeks back, which is typical for the Holiday Season. Curious if anyone else is hearing the same bunk about potential undercover busts, etc. Obviously Brandonski saw some activity. I know for sure that there are times when high LE activity can also be related to gang activity and not necessarily the parlor you are visiting. Hope some more chime in on the topic.
My friend wittnessed LE, not me. I don't go to MP's in the Whitter area.
12/15/2009 08:05 am

posts: 0

In response to Tomasia...yes, you would think there are plenty of other crimes they could focus on. But sadly, I think LE sees these places as easy targets. I have heard from a couple of providers that things are slow and mamisans are nervous. Business being slow may have much more to do with the economy than LE...
12/15/2009 01:50 pm

posts: 0

pickster68 wrote:
In response to Tomasia...yes, you would think there are plenty of other crimes they could focus on. But sadly, I think LE sees these places as easy targets. I have heard from a couple of providers that things are slow and mamisans are nervous. Business being slow may have much more to do with the economy than LE...

I called and they are still open!
01/30/2011 04:33 am

posts: 0

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