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03/27/2009 01:11 am

posts: 0

I have noticed most of the large breasted ladies have fake ones. Any recommendations for places to find good looking women with large and real tits?
03/27/2009 12:32 pm


Avoid the Asians and go for a chunky Latina.
03/28/2009 12:44 pm

posts: 0

Chunky latina recommendations? I found one really sexy one with nice tits, they looked good, but again not real.
03/28/2009 11:08 pm


Latina's are not my thing, since their bodies have such a short shelf life - from years 18 until 20, 21 tops. After that, it's all downhill with their fat asses and bellies, although they still for some reason feel they still look good in stretch pants, high heels and cut off shirts.
03/30/2009 10:43 am

posts: 0

Chunky and Latina is redundant, unless as you say they are 21 years old. If you are into slim (and we almost all are) nobody can compete with Asian woman.
I will say one thing about Latina woman if you are lucky enough to find a slim one, they usually have a higher sex drive than the Asian.
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