Has anyone had luck at this place

In 'Cypress Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Gary4321

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11/19/2010 01:41 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Aroma Day Spa
Aroma Day Spa picture

I went here a couple of times and saw Tina. She gives an excellent massage and very sensual. She gets really close and touches lightly but she hasn't made the move yet. Has anyone had luck at this place? Thanks
11/19/2010 05:10 pm

posts: 0

Gary4321, I have some information on this place. As we both know Placentia and Fullerton can be a "hit or miss". From what i've read on Tina, A hobbiest must see Tina a couple or few times to get a HJ and you might have to make the 1st move. Your best bet is with Kim. Reading the reviews on Kim, Kim is more open and Vicki or Tina would be your last resort. Tina does give a better massage than Kim but if you're looking to score on a HE, Kim would be your best bet. Kim is in the same age range(38-49). Gary, sometimes YOU NEED TO MAKE THE INITIAL MOVE TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. A hobbiest from another site did see Tina a couple of times but the 3rd time the hobbiest received a HJ but it could be YMMV.

Gary, I would recommend that you make an appointment for Kim. When you go there, dress casual but remember most of all, if you need to, MAKE THE FIRST MOVE. Let them feel comfortable that you're not LE. Otherwise you might need to go to Healing Arts Center.
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