i think NOOB says it all lol

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by speed202

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03/26/2010 07:44 am

posts: 0

anyways recently i was wtching manswers and the hole thing with a happy ending didnt think much of it. i saw a rerun and i was like hmm im down . Anyways in that brief moment i rushed and went on cl and found a place which i thought might fs well it didnt. with that beeing a complete failure i was like damn theres gotta be a forum and here i am. XD Im looking for the sexiest asian girls for atleast 45min to 60min and wont break my college fund. I live in the Bellflower Downey area so if anyone could recommend a place that wont leave me and my friend with blue balls let me know asap cuz its friday night and i wanna go clubn later thanks

03/26/2010 05:46 pm

posts: 0

Since you're in the Downey area and you have VIP, just scroll through areas(or LA area) close to you that have FS. If you want a young and a sexy asian girl for 45 minutes to a hour, you're going to be spending about $200. For a 1/2 hour you'll spend $150. You can also go through CL(Independants is you're best shot because parlors can be a hit and miss) or Backpage.
03/26/2010 08:42 pm

posts: 0

Man, that is high price! I know it's a function of area, but we here in Houston, are enjoying "WHEN SPENT CORRECTLY", $110-150 for all in F/S... Although we have the heat and humidity, so we earn it!
03/27/2010 12:57 am

posts: 0

Here in the IE, one can pay $60(45 min.)-$80(1 hour)+$60-$70 tip would = to $120-$150 but with a older provider(38-49 yo). But speed202(college boy) is looking for a sexy asian girl(21-29 max). He'll be paying at least $160($80(minimum) for a hour + at least $80 for tip). A young gal here in california,Nevada, or Arizona, one will be tipping an average of $100. Tomasia, you find me a AMP anywhere in the states where one can pay the price of a hour massage with tip of a FS with a young sexy provider under $150 and "I'll stand corrected".
03/27/2010 08:34 am

posts: 0

At the lower end of that range, it is F/S, but you're right, they are older (late 30's). Still sexy though
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