ANy place with black ladies??

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by jktiger

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03/14/2010 06:00 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Roman Spa & Massage
Roman Spa & Massage picture

I'm looking for a places with plack ladies any one know about it??
03/14/2010 06:31 pm

posts: 0

You know this site has a search function right?
You know it allows searches to be refined by several options including the race/ethnic background of the providers?

It took me 10 seconds to find this, I can't see how you missed it, I guess you would have to be actually looking, I don't know.
03/14/2010 06:46 pm

posts: 0

Your best bet would be to go through CL or BP(Backpage) with a Indy provider. I have done this several occasions and had no problem. Usually you can get a Quickie for $80, HH for $100-$130, or HR for $150-$180. That is true about BODY-CENTER-CHIROPRACTIC in Colton, i saw her there myself but don't know if she still works there. Your best bet would be to call them and ask if a African female massage person is there.
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