Simple way to tell if a MP is an EMP

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by rothchild42

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02/17/2010 11:45 am

posts: 0

Excluding the high end MPs that cater to housewives, the general rule is if a MP charges less than a dollar per min it's legit. If it charges a dollar or more per minute, it's an EMP. There are exception of course, but that will hold true in LA 95% of the time.
02/17/2010 02:58 pm

posts: 0

Some areas charge the norm, $40-$50 for 30 minutes;$50-$60 for 1 hour. Huntington Beach,Orange, and Westminster(Orange County) are cities where the great majority are Legit but still use the standard price. Yes, but there are some that charge a dollar per minute for legit, but i have seen some where there is a HE.
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