New place in Tarzana, on Ventura near Reseda. Anyone try yet?

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by arbaghast

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11/20/2009 02:10 pm

posts: 0

I noticed this place opened about two months ago, maybe. It's on Ventura, just a bit east of Reseda, across the street from the Blockbuster, above a tattoo parlor. They've been advertising a fair bit on CL. I don't know the name, sorry.

I see they are not up here yet, even un-reviewed. I might give it a try (mainly because it's super convenient -- I could walk there), but I wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone had tried it out yet.

I am a little wary about trying a new place, because I know they occasionally do sting operations. But I would assume, since the place has been there for about two months now, that that's not what it is.

Anyone with any info?
11/20/2009 10:59 pm

posts: 0

We are all waiting for you to try!
11/20/2009 11:09 pm

posts: 0

lahobbyiest wrote:
We are all waiting for you to try!
Ha, okay, maybe this weekend. I will report back.
11/30/2009 10:31 am

posts: 0

I went to the Tarzana MP. The place advertises in adult services on Craigslist, but there's nothing adult about it. Chinese lady, about 25, met me at the window and took my money. She showed me to a room and said to take off my clothes and lie on the table, face down. When she came back, she laughed because I did not have a towel, covering me. The massage was average and absolutely nothing sensual. In fact, she kept the towel on me all the time and, except for my back and feet, did most of the massage over the towel. I said, "Can I get a massage here? (pointing appropriately)" She said, "Not here. We don't do that." I left frustrated.
12/07/2009 12:51 pm

posts: 0

Ah, thanks dalesimons, good to know. Sorry you had to take one for the team. I'd been meaning to go since I posted this originally, but got a bad cold and just haven't had the time since i recovered. Guess I won't bother now.

Thanks again.

I wonder how places like this manage to stay in business? Clearly no one is going to go to a massage joint like that for a legitimate massage. People who want real, honest massages aren't going to this place. They go to these places for one reason only. And once they realize they're not going to get it, they're never going to go back. Or do these places just not care about return business, collect the money until business runs out, then move on to another location? Seems pretty silly to me.
12/07/2009 03:27 pm

posts: 0

We all take one for the team sooner or later if we don't use this site properly. Too bad for our hunter, Dalesimons as he did take one for the team . A place like that will stay open until they realize that they are losing money and close down. They will either change the name of the business and workers or better yet move to another location with a different name. They probably feel safer by running a scam than a prostitution establishment. They will probably have some clients(little if any) for a return business, but no they probably don't care if a customer repeats.It's a business and sometimes involves a scam as they'll try to "reel in fish" until it's not worth fishing anymore. So fellow AMP hunters,be safe and don't be brought in by HOOK,LINE,and SINKER .
12/29/2009 01:22 pm

posts: 0

I had a different experience the 2 times I went. Both times it was a pretty standard rub-n-tug. Curtains suggest that there is little else that could be done. One of the girls is young, so I went back to see if she would get nekkid. Got the old one (45-50) the 2nd time. Probably wont go back - better in the valley.
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