how do you bring up the topic of "extras" w/o scaring them?

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by slamstyle

Incorrect credentials.
07/07/2009 07:09 pm

posts: 0

noob here.

how do you bring up the topic of "HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras" w/o scaring them?
07/09/2009 08:31 am

posts: 0

on first visit to a place sometimes your actions speak much louder than your words.
07/09/2009 07:15 pm

posts: 0

1) When the buttocks are massage moan a little or breathe harder and lift you butt off a little.

2) Try to be hard on the flip.
07/14/2009 03:12 pm

posts: 0

Don't cover up when you first lay on the table. When she comes in the room you may get your answer right away. I've had great luck with this method. First reactions have ranged from "Oh no must cover" as she scrambles for a towel to the preferred reaction of " have a sexy peku(ass)" and getting busy right away.
07/31/2009 06:11 am

posts: 0

'IneedRubbin' - that's my old buddy's technique. Personally, I find that to be a little too direct, although I did try it once, with good success. I usually do what 'Lshue27' does on his #1. I'll wiggle my buttocks when she starts to move her hand up the thigh and moan softly. They'll definitely catch the little nuances. If they want their tip, they'll offer something, it's all understood that "no extra, no tip" - although I had to re-educate a few girls from past experiences.

There are some exceptions when I knew I was only in there for a massage, that she did great at. Knowing the legitamate ones and the naughty ones (or however you want to describe it all) comes with time.

If you still get confused, make sure you have a VIP on this site, and find the MP places that offer the HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras.
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