MP in Santa Fe Springs

In 'Bloomington Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by lookin4fun1

Incorrect credentials.
07/02/2009 05:02 pm

posts: 0

I have just recently joined this site and so far so good. I have added a new MP not previously listed on this site in Santa Fe Springs, with 2 reviews and I dont see it in the CA line up. Do they review for a couple of days before posting?

Also are there any good places in Long Beach, Lakewood, Cerritos area. If so please post in this forum, add them or send me a pm.
07/02/2009 05:04 pm

posts: 0

They take about a week. I think they research every thing before they put it up.
07/02/2009 05:10 pm

posts: 0

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